women’s health

Yoga and women’s health

Yoga is an eight-part system which influences the whole person, mind and body. It is an ancient practice which incorporates…

Breastfeeding ‘failure’ fuels depression

Women need considerable practical and emotional support in the early days of breastfeeding to make it successful. Those who do…

Saliah’s story for MSF

Saliha is a patient at MSF’s women’s health clinic in Kamrangirchar, a densely populated slum in the south of Dhaka,…

How to reduce your risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK and affects one in eight women during their…

Improving women’s health worldwide

Sharing skills across borders is an important part of making a practical difference to improving women’s lives. I have always…

Endometriosis – a sticky problem

Endometriosis is a common condition when pieces of the lining of the womb start growing elsewhere and causing problems. Usually,…

No more squeamishness about pelvic floor exercises

As a half-Asian woman married to a French man, I appreciate how different countries and cultures have different attitudes to…

Cervical screening after 50

“During Cervical Screening Awareness Week (13-19 June) Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, the UK’s only dedicated charity for women affected by…

Why 13 year old girls are out of love with their labia

Thirty years ago, when I first started working as an obstetrician and gynaecologist in the NHS, I hardly ever saw…

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