
Partner selection occurs in female reproductive tract

Partner selection ultimately happens in the woman's reproductive tract: The female reproductive tract has the final say in human mate…

End of Anonymity for Fertility Donors

 Campaign group PET’s free-to-attend #EndOfAnonymity debate will hear from an international panel of experts on how the availability and popularity…

Poor quality sperm linked to miscarriage

Multiple miscarriages may be linked to the poor quality of a man's sperm, suggests new research. The early-stage study, from…

The secret life of Kisspeptin

Kisspeptin, known as the master regulator of reproduction, not only has a crucial role in sperm and egg production, but…

Confessions of a sperm donor

It doesn’t really surprise me that the UK is facing a major donated sperm shortage and many clinics are relying…

Sperm’s just not what it used to be

Sperm counts in men worldwide have declined by half over the past 50 years and are continuing to fall. ‘It…

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