
Genes reveal coffee is safe during pregnancy

Genes reveal coffee is safe during pregnancy: University of Queensland researchers have found enjoying a daily latte or long black…

Women’s use of alcohol in pregnancy

Pregnant women's use of alcohol correlates with that of their partner, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland…

Study shines light on inequalities in gestational diabetes research

University of Leeds researchers found a concerning lack of robust data for non-white European women in previous studies examining the…

Diet, malaria and substance use linked to Pacific preterm births

Diet, malaria and substance use linked to Pacific preterm births. A new Curtin University study has found diet, malaria, substance…

Mediterranean diet or mindfulness during pregnancy reduces the risk of a low birth weight baby

Mediterranean diet or mindfulness during pregnancy reduces the risk of a low birth weight baby:  A clinical trial for pregnant…

Post-natal depression and low income study

Landmark study links post-natal depression and low income: A longitudinal study of Queensland families has found women on lower incomes…

Study challenges health advice for mothers

Study challenges health advice for mothers : New Curtin University-led research has called into question existing health advice that mothers…

Streptococcus agalactiae (group B strep) – an Osmosis Preview

What is Streptococcus agalactiae (group B strep)? Strep agalactiae refers to the round bacteria that grow in chains and that…

Water injections to relieve labour pains

Water injections could be used to relieve labour pains. The effectiveness of using sterile water injections for labour contraction pain…

“Baby Bust”: The Impact of COVID-19 on Declining Fertility Rates

Digital event: “Baby Bust”: The Impact of COVID-19 on Declining Fertility Rates: Thursday June 10, 2021 9:00am – 10:30am ET RSVP U.S. and…

Pregnancy: New national guidance on drinking

As thousands of people are committing to giving up alcohol during Dry January, research from a midwifery lecturer at Northumbria…

CAP-COVID study: pandemic pregnancy

UCL announces 2nd phase of CAP-COVID study: How has the pandemic impacted pregnant women in their 1st Trimester? The CAP-COVID…

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