
Lifestyle counselling prevents cognitive decline

Enhanced lifestyle counselling prevents cognitive decline even in people who are carriers of the APOE4 gene, a common risk factor…

Autism and aluminium: The din of silence

Sometimes silence can speak volumes. In December 2017, we published in a highly reputable journal our research suggesting a link…

Cannabidiol could treat psychosis

A constituent of cannabis known as cannabidiol could hold promise as a new class of treatment for psychosis, according to…

Treatments for headaches and migraines

Research has shown that 3,000 headaches occur every day per million people in the general population. This equates to over…

Aluminium and autism

Does human exposure to aluminium  have a role to play in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Research at Keele University published in…

Unrest – a new film about ME

As NICE announces it will review current treatment guidelines for those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a disturbing new film ‘Unrest’…

All about anger

We are all born with an innate loving instinct, argued Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, but anger and hostility…

Balloon Buddies video game to aid rehabilitation

A video game that enables healthy volunteers to play with patients who have physical impairments may improve their rehabilitation, suggests…

A role for aluminium in multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating disease of the central nervous system and affects approximately 100,000 individuals in the United…

Silkworms could repair damaged spinal cords

Spinal cord injuries can have devastating life-long consequences and a total break in the spinal cord is impossible to repair.…

Reading aids child brain development

It is never too early to start the process of learning to read, and parents play a crucial role. ‘As…

Worms are loving parents too

Can worms really be loving parents? For many millions of years worms have led a simple life in which they…

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