Fighting AIDS Saving Lives | Community ART groups

https://youtu.be/V80fbz9vcog Community ART groups is a patient-led initiative that gives support to people living with AIDS. By helping with the…

Treating people at sea

Sarah is a doctor working on the MV Aquarius, a search and rescue vessel in the Mediterranean Sea. She shares…

Is there wine in the Congo?

Sarah is about to start her first assignment for MSF, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She blogs about why…

Greater transparency for global health

As the G20 summit draws to an end, we hope that global leaders will push ahead with confronting the problems…

Vlog: Search and rescue in the Mediterranean

https://youtu.be/EhYhvtuZp8w Ed Taylor is working on board the MV Aquarius, a search and rescue ship run by SOS Mediterranee in…

VLOG | Running an Ebola survivor clinic in Sierra Leone

https://youtu.be/rQG1Qe23Y8Q Justin Healy, a British doctor from Anglesey in Wales, vlogs from Freetown, Sierra Leone, where he's running an Ebola…

A Kalashnikov crisis in Yemen

I have just returned from my first mission with Medicins Sans Frontieres in the Yemen and I can definitely say it…

Hospitals out of thin air

What do you do when there are no hospitals and there is a desperate need? You bring an oversize inflator…

Winds of change for volunteer medics

Like many doctors in the UK, I wanted to take time out of my career in the NHS to do…

Working with extraordinary people

As the Chairman of Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders, I am privileged to work alongside a whole range of committed…

NHS Doctor Treats Syria’s War Wounded

https://youtu.be/QpsUjAcoUlI Caroline, a British doctor from Bristol, UK, vlogs from Zataari, Jordan - one of the world's largest refugee camps.…

Ebola – hiding in eyeballs

Samantha Roper, 30, is training to be a paediatrician in London. For the last two years, she has also been working…

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