mental health

Time to set boundaries

How often have you used the word ‘boundaries’ about others? Perhaps you’ve said your partner needs to get a better…

Teenagers and festive social media

If your teenage relatives have spent the festive period glued to their digital devices, you are not alone. More than…

Social media – a force for good in mental health

Digital technology can be a powerful force for social good and can help people to become mentally stronger and more…

Its good to talk

Watch this short video on caring for the mental health needs of children and young people #CYPMentalHealth https://youtu.be/kmSinPMVU2U

Mental health treatment for prisoners in Zimbabwe

Fadumo Omar Mohamed joined Médecins Sans Frontières in 2013 as a Mental Health Activity Manager. Her latest assignment took her…

Saliah’s story for MSF

Saliha is a patient at MSF’s women’s health clinic in Kamrangirchar, a densely populated slum in the south of Dhaka,…

Child mental health and exclusion

As mental ill health in young people rises, and more children are subject to interaction with social care services each…

Mental health in the workplace

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has produced a special pack of mental health information for employers and employees to mark…

Reforming mental health workforce

A “radical reform” of mental health services is needed to develop a workforce to meet people’s needs in the future,…

The mental health effects of doing time

As part of its investigation into offender mental health in London, the London Assembly Health Committee held a public discussion…

Bullied mental health nurses more heavy handed

Mental health nurses who are belittled and humiliated by patients are more likely to opt for heavy handed management techniques,…

NHS mental health plans don’t add up

The announcement of additional mental health workers in the NHS by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt may look impressive to the…

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