mental health

Aromatherapy and Mental Health

All about the effect that essential oils have on mood and emotion. https://youtu.be/WGHNJGdNHg0

Why trying to be happy all the time is making us ill

Why trying to be happy all the time is making us ill. Priory consultant psychiatrist Dr Paul McLaren, medical director of…

How do you help a grieving friend?

What’s the best way to help a grieving friend – give them advice? Cheer them up? Remind them that life…

The best mental health advice quotes

What's the best mental health advice you've been given? YoungMinds Activists Quotes. Failing at things builds resilience, perseverance and ambition.…

Migrants mental health at the RSM

When it comes to various psychiatric illnesses migrants suffer more from conditions including depression and anxiety than the indigenous population…

Insomnia is not a medical emergency

Latest research suggests we are going through a sleep deprivation epidemic and we are getting between one to two hours…

Medicine and Me – Your Mental Health

The RSM's meeting, Medicine and Me - Your Mental Health, which took place over the weekend in London, was really…

Refugees in Jordan: mental health

Mike Thomson is a doctor from the UK, currently working in Irbid, Jordan, at a Medecins Sans Frontieres project which…

Eating disorders

Dr Sandeep Ranote talks about eating disorders https://youtu.be/885FMPgDVJw

Message from the Duchess of Cambridge

Watch this video from the Duchess of Cambridge championing the rights for children and young people #DuchessofCambridge #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek https://youtu.be/T1YQR7hf2AY

Duke of Cambridge receives RSM Honorary Fellowship

His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge was admitted as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine during…

Time to set boundaries

How often have you used the word ‘boundaries’ about others? Perhaps you’ve said your partner needs to get a better…

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