first aid

Knife Crime – Would You Know How to Help with Major Bleeding?

Knife crime is at a record high in the UK. Just yesterday, a normal high street in South London was…

Fireworks – Keeping Your Family Safe

Autumn in the UK heralds the start of firework season where there are many festivities where fireworks feature strongly; such…

First Aid For Burns


12 driving hazards you need to know

Teenagers need to learn first aid

Teenagers and young people are often armed with a feeling of invincibility and are therefore likely to push boundaries and…

First aid on the school curriculum

After years of advocacy by the British Red Cross and other stakeholders, the Government has proposed to include first aid…

Staying Safe on Sports Day

It’s that time of year when schools the length and breadth of the country get ready to enjoy Sports Day. …

Football injuries

With World Cup fever firmly upon us, everyone is looking forward to watching the action on the pitch. Yet with UK Premier League…

Six top accidents in the home

Six top accidents in the home and vital information all families should know from Emma Hammett of First Aid For…

Dealing with panic attacks

Panic attacks can happen to anyone, without any obvious cause or warning and can be extremely alarming both for the…

Wedding first aid

As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prepare to tie the knot, first aid expert Emma Hammett of First Aid for…

First aid for stabbings

Sadly, the news has been full of stories of stabbings across the country these past few weeks, as knife crime…

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