
What is a seizure?

What is a seizure? A seizure is the medical term for a fit or convulsion. One in twenty people will…

Do Finland introduces a new care pathway for epilepsy

Do Finland introduces a new care pathway for epilepsy - The Finnish epilepsy care pathway has been published in Epilepsia…

Febrile convulsions and seizures

Febrile convulsions are incredibly common in babies and small children. Fits or seizures are triggered by a rise in their…

Seizures, convulsions and epilepsy: A complete guide

What is a seizure? A seizure is the medical term for a fit or convulsion. One in twenty people will…

New insights on why epilepsy develops

New insights on why epilepsy develops, potential treatments in world’s largest genetic study: Specific changes in our DNA that increase…

Brain stimulation project could treat wide range of neurological disorders

Researchers from the University of Glasgow are part of a cross-Europe project which is aiming to develop a revolutionary new…

Epilepsy Action campaign film receives media applause

A film to raise awareness of how to support a person having an epileptic seizure is receiving positive media attention…

New materials could lead to implantable treatments for epilepsy

The prospect of a cure for a type of epilepsy could be one step closer following breakthrough research on materials…

Microbot development could help treat seizures

Microbot development could help treat seizures: University of Glasgow researchers are part of a new project which is setting out…

GOSH: new epilepsy research reveals brain wiring differences

New epilepsy research reveals brain wiring differences: Children with epilepsy have brains that are wired differently from those without the…

There is no such thing as a simple faint

One in two of us will faint at some time in our life and think nothing of it; for others…

Identifying children at risk of developing epilepsy

Seizure study first step towards revealing which children are at risk of developing epilepsy: Findings from an international genetic study…

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