
Psychiatric Assessments Creating Depression and Suicide among Trans Patients

Around forty per cent of transgender people have attempted to take their own lives at some point in time. That’s…

Insomnia likely effect of stroke

Stroke patients experience sustained problems with insomnia potentially reducing their ability to relearn key skills and putting them at increased…

Circadian rhythms and your mood

Circadian rhythms, the natural variations in our behaviour and activity throughout a 24-hour period, are known to affect everything from…

Functional medicine: treating depression

The conventional therapeutic approach to dealing with a problem like depression is to wait for the problem to set in…

Refugees in Jordan: mental health

Mike Thomson is a doctor from the UK, currently working in Irbid, Jordan, at a Medecins Sans Frontieres project which…

Breastfeeding ‘failure’ fuels depression

Women need considerable practical and emotional support in the early days of breastfeeding to make it successful. Those who do…

Digital world impacts child’s development

Baroness Beeban Kidron OBE, Founder of the children's charity 5Rights discusses how growing up in a digital world directly impacts on…

NHS complaints system harming doctors and patients

The NHS complaints system is putting patients at risk and harming doctors’ mental health, according to a new study published…

Alcohol and depression

Watch this short video from Alcohol Concern regarding the relationship between alcohol and depression. This week is Alcohol Awareness Week…

Magic mushrooms may ease depression

Magic mushrooms may ease depression by 'resetting' the activity of key brain circuits of patients where conventional treatments have failed.…

The black dog of depression

At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many…

How can we halt the rise of youth depression & suicide?

https://youtu.be/q_hi44y5EO0?list=PLp7iueYZU6DxCLMPDfDpxZT-2epoWXvnT Watch a series of videos by the One Young World Ambassadors on the subject of Mental Health. The Health…

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