
Covid-19: TAPb accelerates clinical trials by providing patient samples

Tissue Access for Patient Benefit (TAPb) is a UCL and Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust initiative, based in the UCL…

Genetic defect could protect pangolins against coronavirus disease

While pangolins can be carriers of coronavirus, they appear able to tolerate it through some other unknown mechanism. The exotic…

Staying positive when you’ve been furloughed

Have you been furloughed? Priory mental health expert offers advice on how to manage anxiety and look after your mental…

Healthy nutrition during lockdown

The global lockdown has caused widespread panic and anxiety all over the world. Adapting to a significantly new lifestyle under…

Vital to identify factors behind COVID-19 deaths

Responding to the review into factors impacting health outcomes from COVID-19, Dr Layla McCay, director at the NHS Confederation, which…

Covid-19: Being a midwife is a privilege

As the world celebrates the work of midwives - and as the University of Bradford sends 40 of its student…

Home testing to track infection levels in community

Imperial College London is to lead a major programme of testing for COVID-19 to track the progress of the infection…

Covid-19: Supporting informal carers

The Covid-19 pandemic means informal carers need additional support now more than ever, according to UEA expert Dr Morag Farquhar.…

Women still being overlooked on PPE

A survey of Prospect members has shown that women are still being overlooked when it comes to appropriate PPE. Size…

Nanoparticles effective in treatment of severe inflammatory processes

Researchers from the Galien Institute at Paris-Saclay University/ CNRS have developed nanoparticles that are effective in the treatment of severe…

WHO warns immunization coverage at risk

Shutting down immunization services in the COVID-19 pandemic risks triggering a resurgence of diseases that can be prevented with safe…

RMC calls for tightening of rules on use of PPE

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow has called on the NHS across the UK to adopt more…

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