Call of Duty

Syrian doctors upskilled to screen and treat women with cervical cancer

Dr Saladin Sawan, Consultant Surgeon in Gynaecological Oncology and one of our faculty trainers, recently returned from a surgical mission…

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war.  As a humanitarian organisation delivering surgical training to doctors in regions affected…

Memorial sculpture honouring mesothelioma patients in the Armed Forces unveiled

A major stone sculpture honouring all serving and veteran members of the British Armed Forces with the asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma,…

80 surgeons and anaesthetists upskilled in Kyiv, Ukraine

Our new Chief Operating Officer, Tim Law, recently returned from his first mission. Tim supported our trainers to deliver two…

Barnacles and sharks

We are now rowing the first few miles of our 3000 mile voyage across the Indian ocean from the west…

Life in Chad with MSF

As-salamu alaykum! ("May peace be upon you" in Arabic). This is the common greeting heard here in Bokoro, a town…

A lost generation – working with young refugees in Greece

Conor Kenny is a doctor who has recently returned from Greece. He began his assignment working at Idomeni, a transit…

Better surgery for landmine victims

Landmines are a deadly legacy of many past and present conflicts and still kill around 15-20,000 people around the world every…

A checklist for life

'When it comes to safety for patients in the operating theatre, it’s not always the ‘big spends’ that make the…

A Kalashnikov crisis in Yemen

I have just returned from my first mission with Medicins Sans Frontieres in the Yemen and I can definitely say it…

Winds of change for volunteer medics

Like many doctors in the UK, I wanted to take time out of my career in the NHS to do…

Working with extraordinary people

As the Chairman of Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders, I am privileged to work alongside a whole range of committed…

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