breast cancer

Clearer picture on HRT & breast cancer

A new study, led by experts at the Universities of Nottingham and Oxford, provides a clearer and more detailed picture…

Breast Cancer in the British Army

Jacque Morrow, 43, a staff sergeant in the British Army based in Amesbury, was diagnosed with breast cancer in January…

Impact of coronavirus pandemic on breast cancer

Research from Estée Lauder reveals the impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on women’s breast health across the UK. To…

Venom from honeybees kills breast cancer cells

Venom from honeybees found to kill aggressive breast cancer cells –  in new Australian research from the Harry Perkins Institute…

10 year radiotherapy results for breast cancer study

Long-term safety of radiotherapy in fewer doses for patients with early breast cancer demonstrated in 10-year study A lower total dose…

Can Thermal Imaging Detect Breast Cancer?

If Bal Gill had not chosen to visit the Camera Obscura and World of Illusions at Edinburgh’s Royal Mile earlier…

AI reveals new breast cancer types that respond differently to treatment

Revelations could personalise treatment, including picking out those likely to benefit from immunotherapy Scientists have used artificial intelligence to recognise…

Why not check your breasts?

Got a few minutes? Why not check your breasts? If a few minutes every month could give you a few…

Time to act on secondary breast cancer

It's time to act on secondary breast cancer which is the stage when breast cancer spreads to other parts of…

Yin Yang1 and breast cancer

Scientists have unveiled clues about a mysterious molecule called Yin Yang1 - and revealed it may fuel tumour growth in…

Aseem Malhotra: No surprise that processed foods boost cancer

As a health campaigner, it comes as no surprise to me that a major new study published in the BMJ…

Dry January to help beat breast cancer

When it comes to breast cancer risk, there is no safe limit for drinking alcohol, although the risk is linear…

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