
Link between gut bacteria and early onset colorectal cancer

Understanding the link between gut bacteria and the development of early onset colorectal cancer: Researchers at the University of Melbourne…

Using the microbiome to promote muscle growth

Using the microbiome to promote muscle growth in muscle loss conditions such as ageing and cancer: If further research can…

New Strep A human challenge model

New Strep A human challenge model has been successfully developed Melbourne researchers, paving the way to test vaccines against the…

New computational technique improves bacteria to develop medication

Natasha Meredith reports that scientists have developed a new computational technique that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of…

Phone Pan-Demonium: Half of Brits Use Their Phone on the Toilet

People spend 12 minutes a day using their mobile on the toilet and 14 minutes using their tablet This is…

Gut Bacteria “Fingerprint” Predicts Radiotherapy Side Effects

· First clinical study to show link between types of gut bacteria and radiotherapy-induced gut damage · Studying patients’ bacterial…

Green Tea Could Hold the Key to Reducing Antibiotic Resistance

Scientists at the University of Surrey have discovered that a natural antioxidant commonly found in green tea can help eliminate…

Unravelling the mystery of bacterial persister cells

New research, from scientists at Imperial College London, unravels how so-called bacterial persister cells manipulate our immune cells, potentially opening…

Swimming pool hazards

Before plunging into your hotel swimming pool, or soaking in hot tubs during your long-awaited summer holiday, you might want…

Worms are loving parents too

Can worms really be loving parents? For many millions of years worms have led a simple life in which they…

How to lessen contamination rates in urine samples

Urine is one of the most common diagnostic specimens. However there is a high rate of contamination in collecting urine…

Please wash your hands

Most people in the UK don't wash their hands hands thoroughly enough to get rid of bacteria that can cause…

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