arterial stiffness

Arterial stiffness may cause and worsen heart damage among adolescents

Arterial stiffness is a novel cause of premature heart damage among adolescents, according to a new follow-up study. The study…

Arterial stiffness may cause metabolic syndrome in adolescents

Arterial stiffness may cause metabolic syndrome in adolescents via an increase in fasting insulin and LDL cholesterol Arterial stiffness may…

Drop in insulin resistance in mid-adolescence protects against worsening arterial stiffness

Natural drop in insulin resistance in mid-adolescence protects against worsening arterial stiffness if sustained: Significant physiologic decrease in insulin resistance…

Low-grade inflammation may cause arterial stiffness in healthy adolescents

Early vascular damage and atherosclerosis in adolescents may be caused by low-grade inflammation, a paper published in the Journal of…

Arterial stiffness study in adolescents

In the young population, arterial stiffness, an emerging risk factor for hypertension, indirectly raises blood pressure via an increase in…

Adolescent arterial stiffness

Adolescent arterial stiffness – a novel risk factor for hypertension and insulin resistance in young adulthood and for type 2…

Arterial stiffness in adolescence

Arterial stiffness is a novel risk factor to be targeted for preventing and treating hypertension and obesity from a young…

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