
New vaccines research aims to tackle Ebola, Plague and Zika

People around the world could benefit from new vaccines to target deadly diseases such as Ebola, Plague and Zika, as…

Aluminium and vaccines in mammals

Further research into the effect of aluminium in vaccinations in mammals.

Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines

How do you express a legitimate concern about aluminium adjuvants in vaccines without being labelled as ‘anti-vaccine’? We are studying…

Vaccine safety – don’t shut down the debate

I am not an apologist for Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who proposed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism…

The anti-vaccine trend

Herd immunity requires that the majority of people are vaccinated to stop proliferation of disease. Measles, for example, is so…

Aluminium adjuvants and vaccine safety

The majority of vaccinations use an adjuvant to boost their effectiveness and in most cases, the adjuvant is an aluminium…

HPV vaccine for boys

Recent sexually transmitted infection (STI) figures from Public Health England show that young women are continuing to benefit from the…

Plant-based vaccine for polio

"The fight against polio has been one of the great success stories of modern medicine with the disease already eliminated…

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