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Why everyone should drink silicon-rich mineral water

UK tap water contains very low levels of dissolved silicon or silicic acid (more often referred to as silica), which is unfortunate for the nation’s health. I think everyone should drink silicon-rich mineral water every day to remove toxic aluminium from their bodies and brains.

Over the last 10 years, my team at Keele University has been looking into the effectiveness of drinking water high in silicon to help remove aluminium from the body. Aluminium is a toxin which has been strongly linked to the development of Alzheimer’s as well as other human diseases including Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

Aluminium is a toxin which has been strongly linked to the development of Alzheimer’s as well as other human diseases.

Unfortunately, aluminium is found widely in our environment. We live in the ‘aluminium age’ and our bodies accumulate it over time, especially in our brains.

What we have found in  clinical trials, involving both healthy individuals and individuals with disease, is that drinking around a litre of silicon-rich mineral water every day can speed up the removal of toxic aluminium from the body via the kidneys and ultimately urine. In fact, our studies showed that individuals  experienced significant reductions in their body burden of aluminium, including falls of up to 70% in one case, over a 12 week period.

Silicon-rich mineral waters help to remove aluminium from the body because they are actually rich in soluble silicon or silicic acid. This form of silicon immediately follows water molecules through the gut wall and into the bloodstream  where it forms a complex with aluminium called an hydroxyaluminosilicate. This form of aluminium can be easily filtered from the blood by the kidney. Hence, silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminium in the urine.

Silicon-rich mineral waters increase the excretion of aluminium in the urine.

Our efforts now are focused on establishing without doubt that these reduced levels of aluminium can be directly related to improvement in patient symptoms and indeed in overall health. In the case of Alzheimer’s, we recently found that drinking silicon-rich water over only 12 weeks produced significant improvements in cognitive function without any known or observed side effects. This means that simply drinking silicon-rich water is a completely non-invasive way to remove aluminium from the body and something which can potentially benefit everyone including people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Now, I am keen to encourage everyone to drink more silicon-rich mineral water in their daily lives. There are already two brands of silicon-rich mineral water available in the UK including Fiji water and Volvic. There are several others across Europe and the rest of the world. What you need to look for is a minimum concentration of 30 mg/L or 30 ppm written as ‘silica’ on the label.

We do find it difficult to obtain funding for our research, so the actual water that we have used in all our clinical studies, (and so proven scientifically to be effective), is also now commercially available in the UK and Europe, with a proportion of the sales of this water being redirected to research into aluminium at Keele. If you would like to support us, and boost your own health, please purchase ACILIS water from the website, www.silicawaters.com. It is natural, artesian bottled water from Malaysia and it is very rich in silicon containing approximately 55 mg/L or 55 ppm silica. We have shown that ACILIS (called SPRITZER in Malaysia) is effective in helping to remove aluminium from the human body and it can be effective for everyone in helping themselves to protect against the possible future toxicity of aluminium. I drink it myself!

For more information on this and the research in my group please see my website

Professor Chris Exley
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Chris Exley
Chris Exley
8 years ago

Some have argued, specifically on the accompanying Mail Online piece, that this blog is not much more than an advertisement for a new silicon-rich mineral water, Acilis. While there is some justification for such a view I would like to add a little context. We began our research using silicon-rich mineral waters to facilitate the removal of aluminium from the human body in 2003 and published our first clinical trial in 2006. Ever since we have been advocating drinking silicon-rich mineral waters as a preventative measure against potential aluminium toxicity, a period of almost 12 years when the only such… Read more »

7 years ago

Research has been underway for a number of years in Argentina on silicon-rich mineral water for the removal of aluminum in the brain, there study results have been extremely promising using a mineral water with a 47% mL of silicon from Costa Rica called Monerttreal Mineral Water SA that is volcanic water from the north end of Costa Rica, I was told that silicon percentage per mL had to be at least 35%, those patients that received less amounts in trails saw no change in depleted levels of aluminum, bottom line the research is showing a correlation between silicon waters… Read more »

Chris Exley
Chris Exley
7 years ago
Reply to  ticofish

Thanks ticofish, perhaps you could give me further details of this research in Argentina and someone I could contact about it?

7 years ago

Chris thank you for being faithful to follow a difficult path. Is there anyway to support your work through purchases in the USA? Do you are your supporters sell through Amazon and your research could be tagged with Amazon smile?

Chris Exley
Chris Exley
7 years ago
Reply to  Hs9momNP

I believe that Acilis can be bought through Amazon though not to my knowledge in the US. Thanks for asking.

7 years ago

will silica-rich water remove Aluminium from the brain?

Chris Exley
Chris Exley
7 years ago

All of our research suggests that regular drinking of a silicon-rich mineral water will remove aluminium from the whole body which includes aluminium in the brain.

7 years ago

Dear Chris,
Is it ok for a breastfeeding mother of a 3 month baby boy to drink the Fiji water as suggested?

Thank you for your courage.

7 years ago

I wonder if there is a way to create a silican system for homes, kind of like a water softener?

Clare Wilson
Clare Wilson
6 years ago

I help people detoxify heavy metals and help run a support group on Facebook offering advice and support to people suffering from heavy metal toxicity. What I’m finding is that aluminium has a synergistic affect with other metals such as cadmium, mercury and Lead. Many people who are high in Mercury are also high in Aluminium and Lead as the damage to the detox channels cause other toxic metals to accumulate also. This makes the amalgamation of these metals have a far more damaging affect on the body with far more neurological symptoms with the body sequestering and holding onto… Read more »

6 years ago

Do you know if boiling the water to have in hot drinks affects the silica content?

Chris Exley
Chris Exley
6 years ago

A single boiling should not change the form of silicon (silicic acid) in the water but I would avoid multiple boiling to be absolutely certain.

Chris Exley
Chris Exley
6 years ago

Please be aware that from February 2018 I discontinued my funding arrangement with Acilis (Silica Waters). While Acilis no longer contributes towards research on silicon in my group they do continue to support research by providing small groups and projects Acilis water either at cost or FOC. You can find out more about this through their website.

Paulius Jovaisas
Paulius Jovaisas
6 years ago

Hi, we are studying silica for last 30 years, we developed sorbents from it to absorb from humans body many things including bacteria, toxins etc. We can confirm that silica was used after Chernobil in Ukraine to absorb radio active from humans body. There are research buts its in deep boxes, from our clients we now for sure that after using pure silica, we do 3 g for one dosage, so its a lot to cover all humans intestine system. People are very happy who had mercury or children with aluminium excess. SO its working really well i guess maybe… Read more »

Dorin Munteanu
Dorin Munteanu
6 years ago

Hello Dr. Exley. Do you know any natural sources of silicon-rich items that we could consume, besides the water? Its hard to find and quite expensive to buy this mineral waters that i am sure they work very well. Thank you, your work is one of a kind

5 years ago

Can consuming silica rich diatomatious earth have the same effect as drinking fiji water etc?

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