How to support a loved one after an accident: Accidents are commonplace in any developed or developing nation, with some 1,560 reported road deaths recorded in the UK in 2021 (a reduction of 12% on the 2017-to-2019 average).
Of course, most accidents and instances don’t result in fatalities, but even then, they may incur serious injury that leaves a loved one in need of care and attention.
We’ll explore this below, while asking how you can provide both physical and emotional support over an extended period of time.
The Importance of Talking – And Listening
In the wake of an accident, an individual may face a number of debilitating physical challenges, which impact directly on their quality of life and level of independence.
Even in temporary circumstances, this can be mentally draining, but your loved one may not feel able to communicate their feelings or underlying frustrations.
While it’s important to encourage communication and discuss their mental wellbeing, it’s important to empower the individual and not push them to talk through their feelings if they’re not ready.
Ultimately, you’ll have to be patient, listen and wait for your opportunity to discuss their situation, while continuing to provide medical and unspoken mental support throughout.
The Legal Side – Coping with a Loss of Earnings
If an accident has resulted in a loss of earnings for your friend or loved one, they may be encouraged to pursue a claim for compensation.
This can take multiple forms depending on the accident, from hospital or wider medical negligence claims to amputation claims that deal with the loss of a limb. This can occur as a result of the accident or surgical complications, but either way, a legal claim for compensation may be processed.
You may need to be hands-on here and help in this regard, by managing paperwork, liaising with solicitors and providing the requested information to prove your loved one’s case.
Be Patient, Disciplined and Present at All Times
On a mere practical level, your injured loved one may require constant physical care and a hands-on approach to both their recovery and the management of everyday tasks. Certainly, you’ll need to be patient and present when supporting your loved one, in order to provide a seamless transition as they look to adjust to their new physical capabilities and maintain a positive outlook.
In some cases, of course, you may have to adjust yourself, especially in terms of maintaining your own positive mindset and remaining as happy as possible while coping with tasks that are both corporeally and mentally draining.
Don’t be afraid to call on your own support network here, as this provides an outlet for you and lets you offer a good standard of care to your loved one.
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