Unsung Heroes

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war.  As a humanitarian organisation delivering surgical training to doctors in regions affected…

The Number Of Unpaid Carers In Portsmouth Set To Triple Over The Next Decade

The Number of unpaid Carers in Portsmouth set to triple over the next decade as mental health crisis worsens: Portsmouth,…

Memorial sculpture honouring mesothelioma patients in the Armed Forces unveiled

A major stone sculpture honouring all serving and veteran members of the British Armed Forces with the asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma,…

80 surgeons and anaesthetists upskilled in Kyiv, Ukraine

Our new Chief Operating Officer, Tim Law, recently returned from his first mission. Tim supported our trainers to deliver two…

World Humanitarian Day: Celebrating the heroes who save lives every day

“Humanitarian aid is much more than just helping those affected by humanitarian crises. It’s a whole belief system, a commitment…

“The need in Syria is astonishing”

We’ve just returned from northwest Syria after training 35 local doctors to surgically treat complex wounds caused by the earthquake…

Accolades and birthdays for our directors

Accolades and birthdays for our directors: The month of May has been an eventful and exciting time for our founding…

Leaving a lasting legacy with 15 Yemeni surgeons

Dr Shabnam Parkar is a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at St George’s Hospital in Tooting. After many years treating children in…

World’s first research hub for treating child blast injuries

World’s first research hub for treating child blast injuries launched by Imperial College London and Save the Children. Imperial College…

Train the Trainers

Last month, we were delighted to hold our annual Train the Trainers course, giving 29 doctors from around the world…

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