Unsung Heroes

Greater transparency for global health

As the G20 summit draws to an end, we hope that global leaders will push ahead with confronting the problems…

Better surgery for landmine victims

Landmines are a deadly legacy of many past and present conflicts and still kill around 15-20,000 people around the world every…

A checklist for life

'When it comes to safety for patients in the operating theatre, it’s not always the ‘big spends’ that make the…

A Kalashnikov crisis in Yemen

I have just returned from my first mission with Medicins Sans Frontieres in the Yemen and I can definitely say it…

The shaming of Dr Issam Abuanza

Looking at the grainy image of an NHS doctor in his blues pointing to the sky in the Isis salute…

Heals on wheels

Aaminah Verity is a volunteer doctor who works with the international healthcare charity, Doctors of the World (Médecins du Monde).…

Hospitals out of thin air

What do you do when there are no hospitals and there is a desperate need? You bring an oversize inflator…

Winds of change for volunteer medics

Like many doctors in the UK, I wanted to take time out of my career in the NHS to do…

Medics under fire

Back in January when I first had the idea of a march to protest against the targeting of healthcare workers…

Working with extraordinary people

As the Chairman of Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders, I am privileged to work alongside a whole range of committed…

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