Unsung Heroes

Brave Faces – plastic surgery born in war

A century ago it was wounded soldiers, rather than celebrities, queuing for the latest plastic surgery. The First World War…

MSF- Celebrating International Nurses Day

On International Nurses Day, (May 12th) MSF celebrates the work, dedication and passion of its 8,843 nurses saving lives around…

Bittersweet goodbyes with MSF in Bangladesh

Yesterday was bittersweet, as I discharged my favourite patient from the MSF facility in Bangladesh where I have been working.…

My favorite birth

Kirsti is a midwife from the USA. She is currently working for MSF / Doctors Without Borders in South Sudan,…

Nurses have needs too

Nurses often sacrifice their own needs to care for others, and this is right and good and expected. Nursing is…

Medicine and Me – Your Mental Health

The RSM's meeting, Medicine and Me - Your Mental Health, which took place over the weekend in London, was really…

New vaccines research aims to tackle Ebola, Plague and Zika

People around the world could benefit from new vaccines to target deadly diseases such as Ebola, Plague and Zika, as…

Refugees in Jordan: mental health

Mike Thomson is a doctor from the UK, currently working in Irbid, Jordan, at a Medecins Sans Frontieres project which…

MSF working to end fistulas in Nigeria

Obstetric fistulas are injuries that most often occur during childbirth, when a baby gets stuck in the birth canal, causing…

Doctors who abuse their patients

In December 2014, Dr Myles Bradbury, a Consultant Paedicatrian, was sentenced to 22 years imprisonment (reduced to 16 on appeal)…

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