The Surgery section showcases a range of topics centered on surgical techniques, innovations, and best practices. The section highlights groundbreaking advancements such as bionic limb research, major clinical trials in kidney transplant practice, and developing surgical simulation technologies. Additionally, it addresses the social and educational aspects of surgery, like training doctors in challenging environments and discussing the legalities of cosmetic surgery negligence.

The Anthony Nolan and NHS Stem Cell Registry

Age no criteria for heart attack treatment

Aesthetic breast surgery: Mastering the basics

Cancer’s reliance on fats could lead to new ‘drugs and diet’ treatment

New organ donation law

Europe’s first lung transplant on Covid-19 patient

Life saving ‘pre-hab’ service for lung cancer patients

Plug and Play: bionic arm prostheses

War Doctor Heroes: Meet Dr Ayman

Caution Advised in Treatment of Gender Dysphoria