Reproductive Health

Covid-19 in pregnant women can damage the placenta and the foetusCovid-19 in pregnant women can damage the placenta and the foetus

Covid-19 in pregnant women can damage the placenta and the foetus

Covid-19 in pregnant women can damage the placenta and the foetus: Using prenatal magnetic resonance imaging, a group of MedUni Vienna…

How common is brain damage at birth?How common is brain damage at birth?

How common is brain damage at birth?

How common is brain damage at birth? Causes and effects. In the UK, most expectant mothers are fortunate enough to…

Underweight babies at riskUnderweight babies at risk

Underweight babies at risk

Research shows all underweight babies may be at higher risk of childhood developmental complications – not just those with extremely…

WHO: immediate skin to skin care for survivalWHO: immediate skin to skin care for survival

WHO: immediate skin to skin care for survival

WHO advises immediate skin to skin care for survival of small and preterm babies: WHO launches new guidelines to improve…

Reducing risk of endometrial cancerReducing risk of endometrial cancer

Reducing risk of endometrial cancer

University of Queensland research has revealed that having more babies reduces a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer. Dr Gunn-Helen Moen…

Test that detects Group B Streptococcus in developmentTest that detects Group B Streptococcus in development

Test that detects Group B Streptococcus in development

Test that detects Group B Streptococcus in development: Volunteers needed to help develop new test to prevent life-threatening infections in newborn…

Scientists to help pregnant women make childbirth choicesScientists to help pregnant women make childbirth choices

Scientists to help pregnant women make childbirth choices

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen have been awarded almost £1 million to fund research looking into how pregnant women…

Setting folic levels in flourSetting folic levels in flour

Setting folic levels in flour

Government urged to set the right level of folic acid in flour to prevent severe birth defects. The UK Government’s…

Maternal mental health impacted by pandemicMaternal mental health impacted by pandemic

Maternal mental health impacted by pandemic

Maternal mental health and well-being profoundly impacted by COVID-19 pandemic: Maternal well-being has been profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,…

World Breastfeeding Week 2022World Breastfeeding Week 2022

World Breastfeeding Week 2022

This week is World Breastfeeding Week 2022. Breastfeeding plays and important role in managing the double burden of malnutrition. Breastfeeding…