
Environmental mould infecting people

Researchers discover drug-resistant environmental mould is capable of infecting people. A new study led by Imperial College London finds that drug-resistant…

Psilocybin: Magic mushroom compound increases brain connectivity

Psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms, helps to “open up” depressed people’s brains, even after use, enabling brain…

Analgesic power potential of venom

The deadly venom of a poisonous sea snail could hold the key to developing new medicines including more effective, less…

Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in India

Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in India: Maximizing potential of traditional Indian medicines through modern science and technology The World…

Synthetic antibiotics could save millions of lives

Liverpool scientists develop synthetic antibiotics that could save millions of lives: University of Liverpool scientists have taken a significant step towards…

60% of osteoarthritis sufferers see improvement

60% of osteoarthritis sufferers see improvement: First of a kind study evidences effectiveness of MFAT on pain and improved joint…

Brain’s fear mechanisms discovered by neuroscientists

Discovery of novel brain fear mechanisms offers target for anxiety-reducing drugs: A new target in the brain which underpins the eliciting…

The USA’s 2022 fentanyl epidemic

The USA's 2022 Fentanyl Epidemic: Headlines have been full of reports on COVID-related fatalities, but there’s something as contagious that’s…

Unused prescription medicines cost the NHS £300 million every year – 40% of Brits admit to binning them

Unused prescription medicines cost the NHS £300 million every year - 40% of Brits admit  binning unused medications, potentially wasting…

Coronavirus booster vaccination also protects cancer patients

Coronavirus booster vaccination also protects cancer patients: People with cancer are often given immunosuppressive treatments that weaken their innate immune…

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