
What is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia, a form of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children…

Helping children with chronic fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or ME, affects at least one per cent of secondary school children in the UK. Around 250,000…

Experience one day at GOSH

Everything you’re about to see was filmed across 24 hours at Great Ormond Street Hospital and shows how your support…

Children in care rarely attend dental surgeries

Children in care, including those in foster and residential care, have double the rates of urgent dental treatment and are…

Dairy for child health

Nutrient-rich foods, such as milk and dairy, are an important part of a healthy balanced diet, especially for children and teenagers who…

Rise of Type 2 diabetes in children

There has been an alarming rise in Type 2 diabetes in children - a condition where blood sugar is poorly…

The short life of Charlie Gard

The short life of Charlie Gard seems now to be coming to an end. His parents have conceded that their…

Tragic Charlie Gard

The news has just emerged that Charlie Gard's parents have given up their legal fight to take Charlie to the…

Charlie Gard and his clinical ethicist

In the High Court hearing in the case of Charlie Gard, held on Friday 14th July 2017, the judge ordered…

Children in cars at risk from air pollution

We have changed the law to ban smoking in cars to protect our children, but where is the law to…

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