
Breastfeeding ‘failure’ fuels depression

Women need considerable practical and emotional support in the early days of breastfeeding to make it successful. Those who do…

The Get Fit Song

Action Amanda wants to get your children moving! Watch this new music video with your kids.  Its time to fight…

Time to set boundaries

How often have you used the word ‘boundaries’ about others? Perhaps you’ve said your partner needs to get a better…

Teenage girls ditching dairy

Britain’s teenage girls are ditching dairy, according to a survey among 2,000 UK adults, including over 1,000 parents, which showed…

Teenagers and festive social media

If your teenage relatives have spent the festive period glued to their digital devices, you are not alone. More than…

Have an accident-free Christmas

Christmas is an exciting time of year as families come together to celebrate. However, studies by the Royal Society for…

London Santa Dash for GOSH

What do you a group of Santa’s? GOSH asked the some of children and young people staying at GOSH for…

Digital world impacts child’s development

Baroness Beeban Kidron OBE, Founder of the children's charity 5Rights discusses how growing up in a digital world directly impacts on…

Aluminium and autism

Does human exposure to aluminium  have a role to play in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Research at Keele University published in…

Treating coughing children

Paediatrics is heading into its busiest time of the year where GPs, Emergency Departments and Children’s Units will be seeing…

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