
Fizz Free February


Fizz-Free February for a better health

New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reveals that a diet low in sugary food and…

Poor children get more decay

Young children of parents who cannot afford to put healthy food on the table are significantly more likely to suffer…

Don’t buy laser pens for your children

A worrying number of adults would consider buying a laser pen as a Christmas present for a child, a new…

Global fund to eliminate trachoma

A new global fund has been set up to help finally eliminate one of the most devastating causes of blindness.…

Psychotherapy with children in Lesbos

Myriam Abdel Basit is an Irish cultural mediator who has spent seven months with MSF in Lesbos in Greece this…

Surviving and thriving in the digital age

Dr Richard Graham is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director of Good Thinking: The London Digital Mental Well-being Service, who will…

Babies – Their Wonderful World

The BBC2 series, Babies – Their Wonderful World, which airs for the next few weeks, draws on a wealth of…

Mental health disorders among children

One in eight children in England is living with a mental health disorder says new NHS research. One in eighteen…

Omega-3 supplements reduce risk of premature birth

Daily omega-3 supplementation reduces the risk of birth before 37 weeks by 11 per cent, and reduces the risk of…

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