
Micronutrition ameliorates allergy symptoms

Targeted micronutrition ameliorates allergy symptoms: Micronutrient deficiencies can promote inflammation and render the immune system particularly sensitive to allergenic substances.…

Obesity fuelling fatty liver disease

Obesity fuelling fatty liver disease 'ticking time-bomb', warns British Liver Trust: Rocketing rates of obesity are putting millions at risk…

Repeated weight loss attempts no guarantee

Repeated weight loss attempts do not guarantee the best outcome: Individuals who had repeatedly attempted to lose weight had higher…

Dental teams can identify eating disorders

Dental teams can be 'vital link' in caring for patients with eating disorders, says charity: Dental teams are in the…

How cranberries could improve memory and ward off dementia

How cranberries could improve memory and ward off dementia: Adding cranberries to your diet could help improve memory and brain…

Children’s physical activity levels fell

Study shows children’s physical activity levels fell below national guidelines in wake of pandemic: New research has revealed children’s physical…

Plant-based drinks don’t measure up to milk’s nutrition or value

Plant-based drinks don’t measure up to milk’s nutrition or value: New research published in peer-reviewed journal Foods has found milk to…

WHO: exploitative formula marketing

WHO reveals shocking extent of exploitative formula milk marketing: The second report in a series detailing exploitative marketing practices employed…

Humans demonstrate surprising nutritional intelligence

New research shows humans possess surprising nutritional intelligence according to new pioneering study into food choices led by the University…

AllergyWise online course

Charity launches new online course to safeguard hospital patients with allergies: An anaphylaxis charity which offers training and support on…

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