Who wants to be a GP?

I'm not sure I actually want to, however, this is my role. I am a human being sitting in a doctor's…

Down in the swampy lowlands

Not so long ago, I found myself in the ‘swampy lowlands’ of general practice, a term devised by the philosopher,…

Wearing face veils in the workplace

The NHS has a long tradition of balancing patient safety and religious views and practices. In 2008 there was some…

More NHS homeopathy, not less

The debate about whether homeopathy should be available on the NHS invariably sees the opposing sides citing numerous research papers…

Theatre hijab has no place in NHS hospitals

Recently, I went to a large NHS teaching hospital in London for a blood test. A young couple was behind me…

Data, data everywhere, but are doctors ready?

As I write in a patient’s notes in clinic, with the end of my pen in my mouth, I fall…

Accident and Emergency Diary: Saturday Night Shift

A&E wards can be frightening, stressful and downright unpleasant place to visit. They often seem close to bursting point with…

Patient case studies

A young man in his early 30s was brought to A&E in a large London Hospital after calling NHS Direct…

My A&E Diary: a junior doctor’s record

My A&E Diary: Accident and Emergency wards can be frightening, stressful and downright unpleasant place to visit. They often seem…

So what’s your next move?

It’s funny how you go through life and at each new stage you look forward to telling friends/relatives/random people on…

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