Performing arts in community NHS treatment

What do we mean by the use of performing arts in community NHS treatment? In a previous article  for the…

Why do 5 million people sign up for Dry January?

Why do five million people every year decide to take part in Dry January? There are a number of reasons…

The 12 Days of NHS Choices Christmas

Christmas is the season of giving and goodwill and NHS Digital has trawled through the analytics of NHS Choices over…

Merry Christmas without asthma

Christmas trees, candle fumes and smoking Christmas puddings may be festive but they can all make asthma symptoms worse this…

Have an accident-free Christmas

Christmas is an exciting time of year as families come together to celebrate. However, studies by the Royal Society for…

Restricting free OTC prescriptions

NHS England is proposing to draw a new line between when the NHS will help someone, and when citizens are…

The price of sight loss

Sight loss costs London’s economy £6.4 billion, around £750 per Londoner, per year, according to a new report Eye Health-…

21st Century Healthcare

The Royal Society of Medicine and ITN Productions have launched ‘21st Century Healthcare,’ a news and current affairs-style programme which…

Mood drugs could beat antibiotic resistance

Scientists are increasingly have to look for new ways to combat bacterial infections due to the rise in antibiotic resistance.…

Resources for medics: pancreatic cancer UK

Pancreatic Cancer UK has received accreditation from the Information Standard for the fourth year in a row for its range…

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