Top NHS clinicians demand new ‘addiction levy’ on gambling industry

Top NHS clinicians demand new 'addiction levy' on gambling industry: The most senior NHS clinicians treating gambling addiction today call…

A year’s worth of dentistry lost

The British Dental Association has lamented the lack of urgency from government in rebuilding and reforming NHS dentistry, as new…

BEAT calls for more training on eating disorders

This Eating Disorders Awareness Week - 28th February to 6th March 2022, Orri is supporting its charity partner, Beat, in…

Health experts fear impact of deteriorating hostile environment

Health experts fear impact of deteriorating hostile environment: Patient rights must be protected as UK policies and government rhetoric indicate a…

Mental healthcare recovery plan

Mental healthcare recovery plan to tackle second pandemic: Responding to NHS England's proposed new standards for mental health services, Sean…

Road accident data could help predict crash victims most at risk of brain injury

Road accident data could help predict crash victims most at risk of brain injury: Imperial researchers have identified how speed, direction,…

Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening Campaign

Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening Campaign - Launched Monday 14th February 2022. The Office for Health Improvement and…

Unused prescription medicines cost the NHS £300 million every year – 40% of Brits admit to binning them

Unused prescription medicines cost the NHS £300 million every year - 40% of Brits admit  binning unused medications, potentially wasting…

Deepening crisis for Urgent and Emergency care

Record number of patients delayed by 12 hours or more as Urgent and Emergency Care faces deepening crisis: The latest Emergency Department…

FMG course to better prepare health and social care professionals

A new FMG course to help health and social care workers understand the many impacts of female genital mutilation (FGM)…

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