Alcohol related dementia: Vitamin B1 deficiency
A common consequence of chronically high alcohol consumption is a decline in cognitive function, which can even progress to full-blown…
A common consequence of chronically high alcohol consumption is a decline in cognitive function, which can even progress to full-blown…
Brain astrocytes show metabolic alterations in Parkinson’s disease: A new study using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology links astrocyte…
A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease provides insight into the association of blood markers of diabetes…
Helping young people on the autism spectrum plan and prepare for their working life. "Don't limit yourself. Go higher. Think bigger." That’s…
So much of our focus on the Polyvagal Theory centres around honouring and validating the ventral vagus and teaching people…
Children's own temperament could be driving the amount of TV they watch – according to new research from the University…
What do premature babies hear while lying in an incubator? "That is the question addressed by an interdisciplinary team from…
Losing sleep: How researchers miss a key contributor to autism according to new research from Assistant professor of biomedical sciences…
Daily listening to Mozart reduces seizures in individuals with epilepsy: A randomized control study. Researchers at the Toronto Western Hospital…
In 1994, American neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the mammalian…
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