
Alzheimer’s: Elective revascularisationAlzheimer’s: Elective revascularisation

Alzheimer’s: Elective revascularisation

People with and without Alzheimer's have a different threshold for elective revascularisation, but outcomes are similar. The risk of both…

How the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s DiseaseHow the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s Disease

How the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s Disease

New discovery for how the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s Disease: University of Queensland researchers have discovered a new ‘seeding’ process…

Sleep disorders: Patients often underestimate their total sleep timeSleep disorders: Patients often underestimate their total sleep time

Sleep disorders: Patients often underestimate their total sleep time

People with sleep disorders commonly have a misperception about their actual sleep behaviour. A research group led by Karin Trimmel…

Cerebrovascular disease: Neural network enables assessment of sleep apnoea severityCerebrovascular disease: Neural network enables assessment of sleep apnoea severity

Cerebrovascular disease: Neural network enables assessment of sleep apnoea severity

A new neural network developed by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital enables an easy…

Anticipation of the future reward shapes self-controlled choiceAnticipation of the future reward shapes self-controlled choice

Anticipation of the future reward shapes self-controlled choice

Anticipation of the future reward shapes self-controlled choice: Research published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows the prefrontal cortex of the…

Newly described condition causes loss of vertigo perception and imbalanceNewly described condition causes loss of vertigo perception and imbalance

Newly described condition causes loss of vertigo perception and imbalance

 A condition that causes loss of vertigo perception and imbalance has been diagnosed in traumatic brain injury patients for the first time.   In a…

Hand-eye coordination more sensitive to alcoholHand-eye coordination more sensitive to alcohol

Hand-eye coordination more sensitive to alcohol

Study finds blood alcohol levels much lower than the legal limit impair hand-eye coordination: In previous studies, eye movements and…

Researchers call for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be consigned to historyResearchers call for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be consigned to history

Researchers call for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be consigned to history

Researchers call for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be consigned to history. Autism researchers from the Telethon Kids Institute…

Research with life-saving potential for adults with learning disabilities and autismResearch with life-saving potential for adults with learning disabilities and autism

Research with life-saving potential for adults with learning disabilities and autism

Early recognition of deterioration in health can save lives.  A research team at Northumbria University have launched a major project exploring…

Parkinson’s disease: Transforming treatmentsParkinson’s disease: Transforming treatments

Parkinson’s disease: Transforming treatments

A revolutionary approach to targeting and treating walking problems in people with Parkinson's disease is being developed at Northumbria University,…