Mental Health

What’s the point of the “Talking Cure”?

How hard it is to say what we mean. "I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author,…


Fear is a basic human emotion which causes a pyschological and physiological response in the body known as ‘fight or…

Shining a light on suicide

Five years ago my dad took his own life. But I'm lucky. I'm incredibly lucky to have people around me…

Whose life are you living?

Echoism – A life dominated by the other. Psychotherapists Mark Linington, Chair of the Bowlby Centre, Elisa Morris and Nell…


Until recently, agoraphobia was defined as a fear of open spaces. It now also includes several other related fears such…

Physician, heal thyself?

I became a doctor influenced by my late father, a single-handed general practitioner.  He, like many doctors in the 1960’s…

The war is over… now the battle against combat stress begins

Two major military campaigns came to an end in the last decade. In 2006, British forces pulled out of Iraq…

Mental health and depression

Depression affects around one in seven people during the course of their lifetime and is twice as common in women…

The pros and cons of early screening for dementia

One of the most difficult issues about dementia, particularly in developed countries like the UK and the USA is whether…

I’d take a dementia test!

If I was in my 40s or 50s I would want to know if I was going to be demented…

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