Mental Health

The coming of age of erotic plasticity

When I first met Jenny, she was a very angry woman. She had just discovered that her partner of five…

Talking about sex with doctors

"I don't know if I can do it." Jeremy seemed truly frightened. "My GP is a woman, and I can't…

Changing the Face of Autism

Elusive Autism in girls: I had seen one paediatrician, one educational psychologist, three psychiatrists, multiple therapists, and required at least…

Anorexia nervosa

This is a complex eating disorder which is characterised by low body weight accompanied by a body image distortion.  The…


Self-harm is when someone deliberately hurts or injures him or herself. This can take a number of forms including: cutting,…

Autism in the 21st Century – missing the girls.

In the 1940s, Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger separately identified a set of unusual behaviours in certain children, including strange…

What’s the point of the “Talking Cure”?

How hard it is to say what we mean. "I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author,…


Fear is a basic human emotion which causes a pyschological and physiological response in the body known as ‘fight or…

Shining a light on suicide

Five years ago my dad took his own life. But I'm lucky. I'm incredibly lucky to have people around me…

Whose life are you living?

Echoism – A life dominated by the other. Psychotherapists Mark Linington, Chair of the Bowlby Centre, Elisa Morris and Nell…

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