Mental Health

Blue light for mental health

People who work in the emergency services, including ambulance drivers and paramedics, face unique pressures including regular exposure to traumatic…


Background Anger is a physiological and psychological response to external pressures stresses and frustration. Anger can make us snappy, irritable…

Fear and taboo linked to widespread loneliness in Britain

The majority of British people have experienced loneliness and also know someone who is lonely, according to new research. In…

MND Awareness Month

I will never forget my first day at the Association office in Northampton in autumn 1996. I walked in and…

Legal headache for medics

I am a hospital doctor who is thinking about leaving the profession I love. It is not because I doubt my…

Pain can haunt you

Never underestimate the impact of emotional and psychological factors on human wellbeing. We know that the mind and the body…

Emotional Health

We all feel the complete range of emotions throughout our lives, depending on what is happening around us and to…

Mental Health and Immigrants

People who have migrated to a country from their homeland are much more vulnerable to mental illness. Studies carried out…

A time bomb waiting to explode

Young people’s mental health services are at crisis point.  GPs are having to cope with the consequences of our failure to…

When eating right is wrong

Orthorexia comes from the Greek word ‘ortho’ meaning correct and it’s a compulsion to eat a biologically perfect diet.  Sufferers…

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