Mental Health

Caught in the blues

Antidepressant prescribing rates have increased year on year over the past 25 years with now more than 60 million prescriptions…

Youthful voices in mental health

The Youth Health Parliament is a group of young professionals who have been selected to debate and formulate new ideas…

Brief Psychotic Disorder

This is a form of psychosis, triggered by a traumatic event or stressor, that lasts a short time only. Brief psychotic disorder…

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: ADHD

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a defined illness. Rather it is a collection of symptoms and behaviours characterised by inappropriate…

Why multiple jeopardy is wrong

Despite having observed at first hand the effects of patient complaint procedures against doctors for several years now, I have…

When good stress turns bad: the signs to look for

Stress that is veering into the danger zone comes with tell-tale physical and emotional signs. These are the key things…

The brain of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s is a disease that physically affects the brain, causing the cells to die off. It is named after a German…

Emotional intelligence in social work

Social workers, like nurses and healthcare workers, have high-stress jobs which can take a mental and physical toll. The rate…

Histrionic personality disorder

This is a rare type of personality disorder, and diagnosis is controversial. However, symptoms include the fact that sufferers seek…

Making your time count

Time is precious, and once it is gone, we don’t get it back. It is the only thing that money…

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