Mental Health

Fear of flying in an age of terrorism

The outrageous acts of terrorism that happened in New York on 9/11 have certainly meant that more people who are…

Mental Health and Immigrants

People who have migrated to a country from their homeland are much more vulnerable to mental illness. Between 1993 and…

No to fast-food mindfulness

Mindfulness, which is essentially meditation rebranded for the squeamish, is embedded in the history of Indic consciousness traditions such as…

The new digital addiction

Are we becoming a nation of digital technology addicts? Surely the figures speak for themselves. The average iPhone user unlocks…

Why we need a global Bill of Rights

People with mental health problems are not ‘the other’. They can be you or I, our children, friends, colleagues. Every…

Light on dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is by far the commonest form of dementia affecting around 5 per cent of all people over the age…

Back to work – fresh start

As millions of us return to work after the long summer break, health and wellbeing experts offer their tips how to…

Make yourself resilient to worry

No one is too beautiful and successful to be immune to worry. It doesn’t matter how many accolades you receive -…


Kleptomania is a recognised mental health problem which compels people to steal trivial items. However, only one per cent of people…

Mental health behind bars

Many people in prison suffer from mental illness and the Prison Service in the UK has under its care one…

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