Mental Health

Aluminium and autism

Does human exposure to aluminium  have a role to play in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Research at Keele University published in…

Africa on the rise: mental health

On December 7th at the Africa Centre in Southwark, Ekua Haizel will be hosting their 4th edition of Africa on…

Unrest – a new film about ME

As NICE announces it will review current treatment guidelines for those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a disturbing new film ‘Unrest’…

NHS complaints system harming doctors and patients

The NHS complaints system is putting patients at risk and harming doctors’ mental health, according to a new study published…

All about anger

We are all born with an innate loving instinct, argued Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, but anger and hostility…

Balloon Buddies video game to aid rehabilitation

A video game that enables healthy volunteers to play with patients who have physical impairments may improve their rehabilitation, suggests…

Emergency call handlers under stress

Emergency call handlers are at the forefront of dealing with crisis situations, and the stress they experience negatively impacts on…

Alcohol and depression

Watch this short video from Alcohol Concern regarding the relationship between alcohol and depression. This week is Alcohol Awareness Week…

Social media – a force for good in mental health

Digital technology can be a powerful force for social good and can help people to become mentally stronger and more…

Samhainophobia – top 10 Halloween phobias

Ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night – Halloween is nearly here! For some people this…

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