Mental Health

Aluminium and autism: what next?

Publication of our recent research on aluminium and autism  has prompted myriad questions not least of which being ‘what next?’…

The Autistic Mind

Edinburgh University’s Patrick Wild Centre was opened in 2010 by Alfred Wild who had watched his parents care for his…

The battle against our unruly minds

Maintaining a consistent focus on something until, and if, it becomes an unconscious habit, is essentially a battle against our…

Muddled memories help dementia patients

Should we always challenge the distorted beliefs of someone with dementia or do inaccurate memories play an important role in…

Autism : Amazing Things Happen – Alexander Amelines

Alexander’s film gives an uplifting introduction to autism for young non-autistic audiences, aiming to raise awareness, understanding and tolerance in…

An integrative approach to ME

ME is not a very useful term. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis derives from Ancient Greek. Myalgic meaning painful muscles and fibres and…

Medicine and Me – Your Mental Health

The RSM's meeting, Medicine and Me - Your Mental Health, which took place over the weekend in London, was really…

Ten ways a parent can help a child avoid self-harming

Self-harming is a highly complex issue but from friendships to body dissatisfaction to social media and exam pressures, there is…

Ridiculous Spell can help fix your phobia

Harry Potter fans will be perfectly familiar with The Ridiculous Spell. If you are not (yet) a convert, Harry uses this…

Refugees in Jordan: mental health

Mike Thomson is a doctor from the UK, currently working in Irbid, Jordan, at a Medecins Sans Frontieres project which…

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