Mental Health

Coping with Grief at Christmas

Two leading Priory experts in mental health and bereavement counselling offer advice on getting through Christmas Everyone experiences the pain…

2020 Powerlist Recognises Priory Expert’s Influentional Contribution to Mental Health

Priory consultant psychiatrist Dr Ian Nnatu, who is based at the Priory Hospital in North London and Priory’s Wellbeing Centres…

Resisting the Allure of Black Friday

Compulsive Buying Disorder – or shopping addiction - is a damaging behaviour and remains the occasional rather than the norm.…

The Loneliest Cancer

A comprehensive new report launched on Tuesday 26th November 2019 and commissioned by the charity Sarcoma UK reveals how this…

6 Tips to Help Working Mum’s Manage Stress

An “alarming’ number of working Mothers in the UK are silently suffering from psychological problems, a study suggests. A survey…

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation


Drug-Free Approach to Depression

· Benefits can be seen in as little as 2 weeks · Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is non-invasive · Patients from…

Caution Advised in Treatment of Gender Dysphoria

A number of recent cases suggest that sex reassignment surgeries remain the most controversial tool of gender transitioning due to…

Let’s Talk About Sex

As the Government pulls back from planned online porn controls, Priory psychiatrist says parents need to be prepared to talk…

Global Dyslexia Summit 14th October 2019


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