Mental Health

Covid-19: high cortisol indicates increased risk of death

COVID-19 patients with extremely high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood are more likely to deteriorate quickly…

New device to detect mouth cancer

NHS England has given the green light and a £1 million grant for a team to develop a pain-free, non-invasive…

Study explores impact of COVID-19 on adults

A study conducted by the University of Melbourne is investigating the impact of Covid-19 on adults.  The same study is…

Study reveals impact of COVID-19 on young carers

The pressures facing young carers during the COVID-19 pandemic are revealed in new research by the University of East Anglia…

Young adults – Overwhelmed and unemployed

Young adults - Overwhelmed and unemployed. How the pandemic has affected job prospects for young adults - and how to…

Yoga in isolation

Leah Nylander of West Coast Yoga blogs on the impact of isolation on our yoga and meditation practice for International…

‘Camouflaged’ app wins “hackathon” to help victims of domestic abuse

'Camouflaged' app wins competition to help victims of domestic abuse.  It's the problem-solving computer coding equivalent of the 100m sprint…

The Pandemic and shopping addiction

As shops reopen, a Priory specialist talks about the changing face of shopping - and why, for some, ‘shopping addiction’…

Keeping athletes on track during lockdown

Recommendations led by a team of UK-based cardiac researchers receive endorsement from the European Section for Sports Cardiology & Exercise …

Link between alcohol abuse and anxiety identified

New research from the University of Aberdeen and the University of Edinburgh has identified how differences in sections of DNA…

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