Mental Health

Coping strategies for children post lockdown

It’s child’s play: how parents can help young children adjust to post lockdown life – five tips from a Priory…

Sarcoma UK warns of devastating mental health toll

Devastating mental health toll of sarcoma cancer worryingly high across the UK, charity Sarcoma UK warns: Agonising levels of anxiety,…

Polyvagal Theory debunked : the myth of social engagement

In 1994, American neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the mammalian…

Optimists sleep better

Optimists live longer than pessimists and have a lower risk of chronic disease – this has been scientifically validated on…

Some people with mood disorders struggling amid pandemic: study

Disruption and ongoing instability as Australians navigate the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is weighing heavily on people with a mood disorder…

Strong close relationships key in coping with pandemic, twin study shows

A new study of twins and triplets shows how our close social relationships are vital in how we cope with the upheaval…

Dry (ish) July 2020 – take inspiration from Australia

https://youtu.be/r1rwhkN2ZGE Take some inspiration from Down Under and join the Dry July campaign this July to raise funds for people…

Drinking post-lockdown: Time to reassess our relationship with alcohol?

With drinking habits changed for thousands of people under lockdown, there are warnings of more excessive alcohol consumption when pubs…

Imposter Syndrome

With thirty-five years of experience between us, and thousands of hours spent working with senior leaders, the most common theme…

Lockdown: married couples experience highest levels of stress

According to a recent ONS survey 39% of married couples and civil partners reported the highest levels of stress and…

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