Mental Health

Tackling male suicide and self harm in Australia

Scaling up efforts to tackle male self harm: Men and boys account for 75 per cent of deaths from suicide,…

University Covid-19 Class of 2020 guidance

Thousands of young people across the country are preparing for that well-established rite of passage - heading to university for…

Alcohol related dementia: Vitamin B1 deficiency

A common consequence of chronically high alcohol consumption is a decline in cognitive function, which can even progress to full-blown…

Do you have technostress?

As many of us continue to work from home during COVID-19, there’s increasing incidence of technostress and techno-overload among workers…

Youth Mental Health – Combined Minds App

The 7th September is Youth Mental Health Day #YMHD. This year (2020) is the first Youth Mental Health Awareness Day…

Back to school anxiety

https://youtu.be/IOmUBedGIGE Managing children’s fears around returning to school after coronavirus ‘lockdown’ : Dr Hayley van Zwanenberg, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist…

Autism: Puberty and sexuality

I’m an enthusiastic patron and supporter of autism projects. But I’m also the mother of Giles who was profoundly autistic…

Stress and anxiety: 19 proven ways to reduce it

Prolonged stress is bad for us. It raises our cortisol levels. Stress can manifest itself as a physical and mental…

Toll of pandemic on those with eating disorders

Research suggests that disruptions to daily life as a result of lockdown and social distancing may have a detrimental impact…

Wellcome Photography Prize Winner 2020

Russian artist Arseniy Neskhodimov has won the prestigious Wellcome Photography Prize 2020 for his Prozac series, a unique portrayal of…

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