
Scan or Scam?

Today in any large city in the UK, you can walk into a clinic and book yourself in for a total…

Brexit and the future of UK medical research

We are now living in a post-Brexit world. On the 23rd June 2016, we as a nation decided to leave…

Doctors need to toughen up

Doctors and healthcare workers need to accept that they are at risk of being sued or having a complaint made…

FGM. End it – don’t medicalise it.

In June 2013 I was shocked to hear from anti-FGM campaigners in Egypt of the death of thirteen year old…

Resolving ethical dilemmas in the NHS

Last week, a healthy baby was born from a woman who had been brain dead for nearly five months. The decision…

Sugar tax is a cheap gimmick

The obesity crisis has now become so severe that it is causing misery, ill health and using up huge amounts…

Medical TV: the new freak show

Dr Clare Gerada I’m not against medical programmes and I’m not against Embarrassing Bodies. There is a long history of…

Shortest consultation ever

Shortest consultation ever. An elderly gentleman walked into my consulting room and sat down. "Morning doctor." And good morning to…

TV doctors can offer more than GPs

Dr Ian Campbell I don’t agree with Clare and in this matter you are wrong. I was first on TV…

Bridging the gap – between medicine and philanthropy

“To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power.  But to decide to whom to give…

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