
Bioethics in deep space exploration

When we attach the words ethics and deep space exploration we might be forgiven for thinking of the 'Prime Directive'…

What doctors need to know about informed consent

Informed consent in medicine is essential. In March 2015, the Supreme Court handed down its judgment in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board,…

Vaccine safety – don’t shut down the debate

I am not an apologist for Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who proposed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism…

Alarming rate of suicides in prison

The fact that prison suicides are at record levels is tragic, but it is only one of the most serious…

EU debate on biosimilar drugs

Biosimilar medicines have been the hot subject of debate for a number of years. But as health systems around the…

Missing misdiagnosis

Misdiagnosis of acute illnesses and chronic conditions is the largest cause of preventable medical error and accounts for over 40…

My experience of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)

I hate to be bored. And always want to do new things and make new things happen. So I’ve always…

Data for safer cosmetic surgery

In theory, the PIP scandal was just about one factory in France producing substandard breast implants. In practice, it proved…

Greater transparency for global health

As the G20 summit draws to an end, we hope that global leaders will push ahead with confronting the problems…

Handing (Back) Over the Pen

Handing (Back) Over the Pen: Afghan Women's Experiences of Gender Based Violence (GBV) Violence and trauma refer to experiences, rather…

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