
Stress, Anxiety and Sleep during Pandemic

Stress and Anxiety Linked to Poor Sleep During Pandemic: According to a recent study by Anxiety UK, nearly half (44%)…

First all-female swim team to take on challenge of 40km Bristol Channel

First all-female swim team to take on challenge of 40km Bristol Channel crossing in support of charities for neurological conditions.…

The ultimate guide to Yin Yang

So many of us have heard of Yin Yang, but do you know what it truly means and how we…

Ticks and the danger of Lyme disease for you and your dog

All dog walkers should be aware of the dangers of a serious bacterial infection called Lyme disease which is passed…

Lead from leaded petrol persists in London air

Research from Imperial College London has found that lead from leaded petrol persists in London’s air despite its ban in…

Life threatening dangers of Oak Processionary Moths

People living in London and the South East are being warned to look out for toxic Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)…

Make every school a health-promoting school

UNESCO and WHO urge countries to make every school a health-promoting school: UNESCO and the World Health Organization today launched the…

A defibrillator saved Eriksen’s life

A defibrillator saved Eriksen’s life – Do YOU know where to find your nearest defibrillator? Don’t let the one you…

Cervical screening results leading to shame

Cervical screening results leading to shame: Charity worried low HPV awareness is increasing stigma in cervical screening. Cervical Screening Awareness Week…

Diabetes – The Facts

Diabetes – The Facts: One in 15 people in the UK have diabetes. This includes one million people who have…

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