
Taking control in uncertain times

Taking control in uncertain times: In these uncertain, somewhat turbulent times, Glenys Jackson, Clinical Team Manager for Mental Health, for…

Back pain programme has lasting results

Taking control of back pain offers long-lasting results with ‘Back in Shape’ programme: writing exclusively for the Hippocratic Post, Consultant…

5 tips to avoid back pain at work

Rachel Murray, Head of Employee Wellbeing, at Bupa UK shares 5 tips to avoid back pain at work for Back…

Nature walks should be prescribed as a health solution

Nature walks should be prescribed as a health solution, according to Surrey academics: The world should follow in the footsteps…

One in three Alzheimer’s carers has persistent symptoms of depression

One in three Alzheimer's disease family caregivers has persistent symptoms of depression: More than 60% of family caregivers of individuals…

ADHD at University – diagnosis is the key to success

ADHD at university: Why diagnosis, treatment and greater inclusivity is so important, says Priory expert. ADHD Awareness Month occurs annually…

History of the London Marathon

The History of The London Marathon - A Quick Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M_8dCroHhI  

Top tips for those watching the London Marathon

It’s a big date for the 40,000 people who run the 26 miles, but equally it’s a big day out…

Are brain injuries an overlooked health problem?

While common head injuries seen in UK hospitals include minor concussions, lacerations and bruises, severe head injuries can be life-changing…

How to recover from a car accident

How to recover from a car accident: Given that there are now well in excess of 39.2 million licensed vehicles…

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