
Calls for more support for schools to improve health and wellbeing in children and young people

Northumbria University academics have contributed to a new report, published by the Centre For Young Lives, which calls for more…

Allergic diseases directly cost between 1,800 and 6,600 euros per patient per year

The HEAD registry, with nearly 800 patients, serves to evaluate the economic and social impact of allergies at a European…

Dishwasher tablets and liquitabs: what to do if swallowed

Dishwasher and liquitabs can be extremely dangerous if swallowed. Hospitals admitted nearly 1500 children last year following the accidental ingestion…

Positive parenting tips for half term

School can be enormously stressful environment for many children and half term provides the opportunity to rest, reset and re-connect.…

Dentists: Tie-ins won’t halt exodus from service

As Ministers launch a consultation, the British Dental Association has stressed that ‘tying-in’ inexperienced younger dentists will never compensate for…

9 signs that you should urgently call an ambulance

Understanding when to phone an ambulance, take someone to A&E, or to their GP is a critical decision. Particularly when…

Break, sprain and dislocation: What you need to know

We all know someone who has experienced a break, sprain or dislocation. From skiing, slipping whilst running round the side…

Stress, anxiety & panic attacks: How to help your child

Anxiety UK claim that 1 in 6 young people experience anxiety. This stress is often heightened during exam season or…

19 proven ways to reduce stress and anxiety

Prolonged stress is bad for us. Stress can manifest itself as a physical and mental health problem. Stress also causes…

Reducing your pollen load

“Avoiding the allergen is always key with any allergy, whatever it might be,” says airborne allergens expert Max Wiseberg. “If…

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