
Should you take a gap year?

Should you take a gap year before starting a university degree? Can it be a beach-hopping doss, or should it…

Medical drama is true to life

Last week, I wrote a special report for the Good Health section of the Daily Mail which was definitely a…

How the media distort health-science messages

Science has proven that eating processed meats is ‘as bad as smoking’. Men must watch their tea consumption or increase…

Doctor in the House

When I was offered the job as the TV doctor on BBC One’s Doctor in the House series, I was initially…

Behind the smile

Behind the Smile is a solo exhibition focusing on mental ill health and the result of artist Toby Brown’s own…

Why Hippocrates would welcome The Hippocratic Post

The mesmeric impact of an ancient Greek doctor on many hundreds of years of medicine is one of the more…

Shift work and chaotic eating

What happens when we stop eating three meals a day? Shift work has been linked to a myriad of health problems. Compared…

Down in the swampy lowlands

Not so long ago, I found myself in the ‘swampy lowlands’ of general practice, a term devised by the philosopher,…

Icelandic Health Symposium: Obesity and Diabetes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsL0sDg7XXU&app=desktop Despite decades of public dietary guidelines devised to optimise human health, the world is now facing an unprecedented global…

More NHS homeopathy, not less

The debate about whether homeopathy should be available on the NHS invariably sees the opposing sides citing numerous research papers…

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