
Bad brains

Bad behaviour may be wired into adolescent brains early in life, according to a study which we published in the Journal…

Say goodbye to snoring

Anyone can snore, but, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association (BSSAA), more than two-thirds of snorers are…

The best bit about my job

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer and a diagnosis of this disease usually means a short…

Flexible Careers Scheme for NHS Hospital Doctors

The Flexible Careers Scheme is a response to the Improving Working Lives Initiative, which aims to make the National Health…

Flex for GPs

'I retired from medicine at the age of 73. I would have liked to work for longer as a locum…

Making your time count

Time is precious, and once it is gone, we don’t get it back. It is the only thing that money…

Why being a sex and relationship therapist is like being a detective

“In my 25 years as a sex and relationship therapist, I‘ve really seen it all. When people ask me what…

A Healer’s Life is Gruelling

More and more people are running or setting up small healing or therapeutic businesses but the vast majority are failing…

London Press Club and Hippocratic Post Debate

Is TV doctoring become the modern day equivalent of the Victorian freak show? And are doctors who become presenters on…

Dealing with sunburn

When it comes to sunburn, dermatologists unanimously agree that prevention is always better than cure. However, sometimes it is possible…

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